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Standard information form for package travel agreements


Standard information form for package travel agreements

Updated 3 october 2024


Get Out There BV (afterwards Element X)
Oudenaardseheerweg 147, 9810 Nazareth, Belgium
VAT: BE0789739554
Bank account: BE 32 7370 6112 5302 


The combination of travel services offered to you is a package holiday within the meaning of Directive (EU)

2015/2302, transposed by the law of November 21, 2017 on the sale of package travel, linked travel arrangements and travel services. Consequently, you can claim all EU rights applicable to package holidays. Get Out There is fully responsible for the proper execution of the entire package trip. Element X also has the legally required protection to reimburse you and, if transportation is included in the package tour, repatriate you in case it becomes insolvent.


Basic rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302:


  • Before concluding the package tour contract, the traveler will receive all essential information about the package tour.


  • Liability for the proper performance of all travel services included in the contract will always rest with at least one professional.


  • The traveler will receive an emergency telephone number or details regarding a contact point through which he can contact the organizer or travel agent.


  • The traveler can transfer the package tour to another person, subject to a reasonable period of time and possibly against payment of additional costs.


  • The price of the package trip may be increased only if specific costs increase (for example, fuel prices), if this is expressly included in the contract, and in any case no later than 20 days before the start of the package trip. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the package tour price, the traveler may cancel the contract. If the organizer reserves the right to a price increase, the traveler shall be entitled to a price reduction if the relevant costs would decrease.


  • If any of the essential elements of the package trip, except the price, is significantly changed, the traveler may cancel the contract without payment of a cancellation fee and will receive a full refund. If the professional responsible for the package tour, cancels the package tour before the start of the package tour, the traveler is entitled to a refund and, if appropriate, compensation.


  • The traveler may cancel the contract before the start of the package trip in exceptional circumstances without payment of a cancellation fee, for example, if there are serious security problems at the destination that are likely to affect his package trip.


  • In addition, the traveler may cancel the contract at any time before the start of the package trip upon payment of an appropriate and justified cancellation fee.


  • If, after the start of the package tour, significant elements of the package tour cannot be delivered as agreed, a suitable alternative arrangement must be offered to the traveler at no additional cost. If the services are not performed according to the agreement and this significantly affects the performance of the package tour and the organizer has not remedied this problem, the traveler may cancel the package tour contract without payment of a cancellation fee.


  • In case of travel services not performed or not properly performed, the traveler is also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation.


  • The organizer is obliged to provide assistance to travelers in difficulty.


  • If the organizer or the reseller becomes insolvent, amounts paid will be refunded. If the insolvency of the organizer or, if applicable, the reseller occurs after the start of the package trip and transportation is included in the trip or vacation, repatriation of the traveler will be provided.
    Element X has secured insolvency protection from The Travel Guarantee Fund. When services are not provided due to the insolvency of Element X, travelers can contact The Travel Guarantee Fund, Boulevard de la Metrologie 8, 1130 Brussels; or by phone 02/2406800 or by form at with this entity or, where appropriate, the competent authority.


The law of November 21, 2017 on the sale of package tours, linked travel arrangements and travel services.


Ce formulaire d'information standard pour les contrats de voyage à forfait est disponible en anglais sur demande.


Dit standaardinformatieformulier voor pakketreisovereenkomsten is op verzoek verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands.

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